Family Violence Office opens

Detective Senior Sergeant Tony Coxall, Leading Senior Constable Justin Evans, Leading Senior Constable Sharon Radau and Detective Acting Sergeant Adam Smyth. Photo – Moorabool Eyewatch
Family violence is never acceptable, and a new office opened by local police aims to provide necessary support in our community.
The Moorabool Family Violence Office opened last month at Bacchus Marsh Police Station, as Victoria Police strengthens its focus on family violence in isolated areas.
Detective Senior Sergeant Tony Coxall, Leading Senior Constable Justin Evans, Leading Senior Constable Sharon Radau and Detective Acting Sergeant Adam Smyth have joined the new office, and will help facilitate investigations and assist community members across five local government areas, including Moorabool, Golden Plains, and Hepburn shires.
Family violence occurs in all communities, cultures, and socio-economic groups and is not acceptable in any part of any culture.
If you are experiencing family violence, or are a concerned family member, friend, or neighbour of someone you believe is, you can report family violence by contacting your local police station, or calling Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.
Everyone has the right to be free of violence or the fear of violence.
Resources on how to report a family violence incident or how you can help a victim is available at