Federal funds to support volunteers

Dance on: Member for Hawke, Sam Rae visited Pentland Calisthenics to congratulate them on their grant. Photo: SUPPLIED
JUST in time for National Volunteer Week, more than thirty local community groups have received funding under a Federal Government program.
Thirty-five groups in the District of Hawke were successful in their applications to the Volunteer Grants program.
Pentland Calisthenics College was one of the recipient organisations which has been allocated $1000 from the program to fund first aid and CPR training, skills development, and mental health courses.
Patty from Pentland Calisthenics College said the funding would “help us develop and train our fantastic volunteers.”
Federal Member for Hawke, Sam Rae, visited Pentland Calisthenics College earlier this month and said volunteers like theirs make the community a better place to live.
“Our local volunteers do so much for us. This funding is all about giving back, to help them continue their good work,” Mr Rae said.
Other successful recipients in Moorabool Shire include the 1st Ballan Scout Group, Bacchus Marsh SES, Ballan Recreation Reserve Committee, Ballan and District Community House, Ballan Shire Historical Society, Bacchus Marsh Baptist Church, Darley Football Netball Club, Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh, St John Ambulance Victoria, and St Vincent De Paul Society Victoria.
For more information on the Volunteers Grants program, visit communitygrants.gov.au.