Fighting plagues and predators

May 15, 2022 BY


Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group

This CSIRO Report on Fighting Plagues and Predators gives us 5 practical things that everyone can do to help our Biodiversity
1. Travel safely
Don’t bring restricted items into the country or your state or territory. Follow the rules, don’t be sorry and declare all items when returning home from overseas or interstate.
2. Be a responsible pet owner
Pets make fabulous companions but both cats and dogs are responsible for native animal population declines. Walk dogs on leads, keep cats indoors and never dump unwanted pets. Register your animals and keep them out of wildlife areas. Keep your pets healthy and free of disease.
3. Grow natives in the garden
Find out the best plants to grow and when to plant them. Consider native species rather than introduced plants. Remove any weeds that grow in your backyard and dispose of green waste properly. Check your plants for signs of disease and be on the lookout for weeds that pose a biosecurity risk to Australia.
4. Report pest species
Report pest animal locations through the FeralScan app. Download it from the app store or visit the website. You can also report pest or disease concerns to the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment.
5. Protect farm animals
Always be on the lookout for symptoms of diseases that could impact your stock and animals on nearby farms.
And for those that keep bees:-
6. Keep a healthy hive
If you keep bees, keep your hive healthy. Make sure you know how to identify pests and diseases. Register your hive and comply with state and territory rules.
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