Film festival celebrates 30 years

May 8, 2024 BY

Community-led: Buninyong Film Festival committee members Lisa Cressey and Niki Kostos with master of ceremonies Darren Holland. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

THE community of Buninyong is preparing to roll out the red carpet for the thirtieth anniversary of the annual Film Festival.

Seven Australian and international films will be shown across Friday 24 and Saturday 25 May at the Buninyong Town Hall.

The aim of the festival is to allow the community to see films which normally may not be shown outside of a capital city.

“Arthouse films are important, I think they can reach out to areas of life where perhaps mainstream doesn’t,” said committee member Niki Kostos.

“We don’t get enough of that I would say.”

The festival fun doesn’t stop at film screenings, with a retro supper, cocktails, historical walk and festival dinner also on offer.

“It’s part of community and Buninyong has a long history of community,” said Darren Holland, master of ceremonies.

“This community is named by an Indigenous nameā€¦ so I think it’s an important aspect of our community.”

This festival will mark 30 years of the initiative and Mr Holland said its success is due to community efforts, with local scouts and trades people assisting the group in preparing the hall for the three-day festival.

“It’s been a small group of people who deliver the festival who have pretty much been there from the beginning,” he said.

“The Buninyong film festival is really lucky in that in can essentially be delivered by a core group in a facility that’s owned by the community.

“It’s also at a scale with there’s sufficient community to support.”

To book tickets to the festival, visit the Buninyong Film Festival website.

This is the 30th year of the festival which is held at Buninyong Town Hall. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

Committee member Lisa Cressey said the festival’s success is due to the community working together. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN