Find out if you need a permit

February 26, 2022 BY

You used to have to call the Building and Planning team to work out if your DIY plans needed a permit from Council – but a new webpage now makes finding out easier than ever.

Council launched the ‘Do I need a permit?’ page in January, which helps residents figure out some of the trickier topics such as planning zones, overlays, and the difference between building and planning permits.

You should check your title and any restrictions or other conditions on your property before using the page, but it offers a useful guide.

For example, you could check if you were allowed to remove a tree on your property on the page by answering whether the tree is a native species, whether Bushfire Management Overlay is listed on your property, and if your property is on the Heritage Overlay.

Depending on your answers, the site would then give you an idea of whether you will need a permit.

To give it a try, visit and search ‘Do I need a permit?’.

To read the full story – Simply click on the following link

in the 22 February 2022 edition
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