Friends invest in environment

(L-R) Gordon Littlejohn, Georgie Johnson, Ushma Ruparel, Ben Leith, Ben Seager, Margaret Whipp, Kirsty Reid, Bill Everard, Jenny Whipp, Lance Jennison, Dominique Wisniewski. (Photo - Friends of Werribee Gorge & Long Forest Mallee.)
By Tina Seirlis
With thanks to a phenomenal volunteer effort, 150-plants were given a new home at Werribee Gorge during a local working bee on 19 August.
In an area fondly dubbed ‘Yellow Gum Valley’ by Friends of Werribee Gorge and Long Forest Mallee (FOWGLFM), the group have been working tirelessly to restore the area which has been impacted over a long period by rabbit erosion and weeds. FOWGLFM was established in 1984 by passionate locals who recognised the importance of these two unique areas which were in much need of conservation support.
Kirsty Reid, Coordinator with Friends of Werribee Gorge and Long Forest Mallee says her family has been involved with the group since its inception.
“My dad is one of the founding members. I moved back to the Marsh after living in the city for many years and I wanted to enjoy the local environment more. Being involved with the group is a great way to do that,” Ms Reid said.
The group also initiated a trial of a ‘double-guarding’ method to protect plants from rabbits, along with use of coconut fibre logs which were donated by Parks Victoria to help reduce erosion.
While Werribee Gorge is a popularly profiled tourism destination, many Moorabool locals may not be aware of this spectacular location right within the Shire’s backyard, along with the unique environment that can be discovered a stone’s throw from Bacchus Marsh at Long Forest.
“Long Forest is very special because it is an area of remnant Mallee. That kind of vegetation doesn’t exist anywhere else south of the Divide,” Ms Reid said.
“The geology at Werribee Gorge is kind of awesome. Visiting local landmarks like Lions Head beach, The Needles, and Daintree Cliffs allow you to look back in time. You can see ancient seabeds, at least 500 million years old.”
Monthly working bees are conducted from March through to November each year with the approval of Parks Victoria, and can be viewed on the Park Connect website.
Those wishing to get involved with FOWGLFM are encouraged to reach out as the group is always seeking new volunteers with much work to do.
More information about Friends of Werribee Gorge and Long Forest Mallee can be found by visiting their website or Facebook page.