From vision to reality

Alongside user group representatives and councillors, Mayor Rod Ward joined Michaela Settle MP and Steve McGhie MP at the official opening of the Darley Community and Sports Centre at Darley Park. (Photo – The Moorabool News)
By Vanessa Parker
After a few delays and challenges, finally, the Darley Community and Sports Centre has been officially opened.
The double story facility adorns Darley Park and was made possible with a huge cash injection of $300,000, raised by members of the Darley Junior and Senior Football Netball Clubs, after Moorabool Shire Council provided $2.3 million with the state government allocating $2.5 million from the Growing Suburbs Fund (GSF), after a lengthy process that started with a vision and a business plan by passionate community members.
Politicians, Moorabool Shire Councillors and staff, an AFL representative, and user group community members, gathered on Saturday 14 October to ‘cut the ribbon’ for the opening.
Eureka MP Michaela Settle said Bacchus Marsh and Darley are growing rapidly and sporting clubs are the heart of a community.
“This has been a collaborative relationship with Council and the community itself, all putting in a significant investment of money,” she said.
“Steve (McGhie MP) fought tooth and nail, long and hard, to get this built and…I get to cut the ribbon; life’s unfair,” Ms Settle said in jest.
A humble Mr McGhie, said he was just a part of it all with Council and the user groups.
“In 2018, when elected, there wasn’t a GSF for Moorabool. In 2020 it came to fruition and an application was successful for this project,” he said.
“Unfortunately, the GSF has now been removed for Moorabool.”
Mr McGhie said these new facilities change the whole perspective of sporting clubs, by also being used by the whole community.
“This is something desperately needed on the northside of Bacchus Marsh for years.”
Darley Cricket Club President Tim Gallagher said Moorabool Mayor Rod Ward was a Life Member of DFNC and DCC, “a commitment hard to beat”.
“The Cricket Club is just one of many to benefit from this new facility, it also supports the social needs of our towns. Not only an on field social aspect but off field as well,” he said.
Special mention was given to Council staff from numerous speakers on the day, with Darley FNC President Mark Shelly, saying they worked hard with everyone to get this off the ground.
“There was lots of pressure at different stages and the community is certainly going to relish this facility for many years ahead,” he said.
Only recently, the Darley Junior FNC held their end of season (2023) presentation day with over 1500 people in attendance.
“This is a home away from home,” Junior club president Rohan Matthews said.
“Credit to everyone involved for providing a place for people to enjoy a safe social environment.”
The hub has a multipurpose pavilion, community and meeting rooms with technology support, and modern and accessible changerooms.
Alongside Ms Settle MP and Mr McGhie MP were State Government GSF representatives, Mayor Cr Rod Ward, Cr Moira Berry, Cr Tonia Dudzik, Shayne Ward (AFL), Council staff and officers, Darley FNC and Darley Junior FNC Life Members.