Fungi foraging alert
Victorian Department of Health
There are two types of poisonous wild mushrooms commonly found in Victoria at this time of year.
◾ The Yellow-staining mushroom looks like an edible mushroom, but it causes severe abdominal symptoms if eaten.
◾ The Death Cap mushroom can be fatal if eaten. One Death Cap contains enough toxin to kill an average-sized adult.
It is very difficult to tell the difference between toxic and edible varieties of wild mushroom, even if using a mushroom identification app.
Experts strongly recommend that you do not eat mushrooms you find growing wild as there is a serious risk of misidentifying mushrooms, which can have major consequences for your health.
Only a mushroom expert or ‘mycologist’ can tell if a wild mushroom is safe to eat.
To prevent mushroom poisoning, do not eat mushrooms you find growing wild. Only eat mushrooms purchased from a shop or food market, and carefully remove and dispose of any wild mushrooms you find in your garden.…/fungi-poisoning
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