Give that she may grow

Six-year old Emeliah Flenley has a complex list of medical needs and disabilities, requiring surgery. Photo – submitted
By Lachlan Ellis
She is just six years old, has been in and out of hospital since birth, and within the next six months, doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital will be required to remove part of her spine in a 15-week procedure.
Emeliah Flenley lives in Darley with her parents and two brothers, and is in constant pain from severe scoliosis, an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. She also suffers from dwarfism, autism, and developmental delay, and was born without thumbs – surgery gave her thumbs made from her index fingers.
The family are not asking for money, but one local business in Ballan where her grandfather Wally Roberts works, took matters into their own hands.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link and flip through to page number 1
in the 28 June edition
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