Grants provide boost to rec reserve committee

Big plans: Mount Egerton Recreation Reserve committee members Nina Roxburgh, Sophie O'Donnell, and Kathryn Long are working to upgrade the area. Photo: FILE
MEMBERS of the Mount Egerton Recreation Reserve committee are working to restore the area for community use.
The committee recently received two grants from Community Bank Ballan and District and Moorabool Wind Farm.
The funds from Moorabool Wind Farm are being used to add fire pits and complete landscaping around the reserve.
“We’ll take away some of the potholes and a bit of repairing to the path to make it more accessible to get down to the toilet as well,” committee member Sophie O’Donnell said.
“That’s getting started before the end of the year, so we’ll be able to enjoy that for our New Years Eve party.”
The committee also received funding from Moorabool Shire Council earlier this year, and this money will be put with the grant from the community bank and to upgrade the hall.
“We plan to put new flooring inside the hall, have one or two split systems… and two of our doors were heavily vandalised about a year ago and they are really in need of repair,” Ms O’Donnell said.
“We’re hoping to hit the ground running next year.”
The committee has a two-stage vision for the area, the first involves making the reserve safe and accessible for the community and the second will include restoring the tennis court area.
“It’s so lovely to build in those relationships and that community feel and that’s what’s pushing us forward,” said Ms O’Donnell.
“There’s been a real need and want for the use of it.”
Anyone interested in joining the committee is invited to get in touch via the Facebook page.