Grants to boost local tourism

April 17, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

Council has made grants of up to $3,000 available to local tourism events, but you’ll need to apply quickly, with the deadline fast approaching.

The 2022 Tourism Events Grants Program is offered as one application round, with a total pool of $12,400 available.

The program will support the planning and delivery of tourism events based in Moorabool Shire, with a strong focus on increasing the number of visitors to Moorabool, and the amount they spend while they’re here.

Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr Tom Sullivan said tourism events were not only an important contributor to Moorabool’s visitor economy, they would also help the Shire get back on its feet post-pandemic.

“Tourism events encourage visitors to experience the Shire, investing their time and money locally. Different to a community event, a tourism event draws visitors from Melbourne, regional cities and further afield, who want to visit Moorabool for a unique and entertaining experience that is not available within their own municipality,” Cr Sullivan said.

“We hope to inspire a growing calendar of authentic tourism events across Moorabool Shire.”

Lou Callow from the Wombat Regional Arts Network, which has been responsible for events such as Birds in Ballan and WinterKnits, said these grants were vital for the group.

“We’re a group of volunteers, so grants are incredibly important. We don’t get funding, that’s how we do things, apart from putting in lots of hours. The only way we can do adventurous stuff like Birds in Ballan is with a grant,” Ms Callow told the Moorabool News.

“We have material costs, venue hire, and things like that. The only way we get money is through membership and grants. To keep functioning well, we need access to grants…we usually go for a Tourism Grant one year and an Arts Grant the following year, which has allowed us to put things on.”

Applications close on 18 April. For more information, visit and search ‘Tourism events grant program’.

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in the 12 April 2022 edition
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