Halfpipe to be replaced

Rolling out change: The halfpipe at Rotary Park has been fenced off, and will be “removed as soon as possible”, Council says. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS
SKATERS may have noticed a local park has been partially fenced off, but Moorabool Shire Council says the move is only temporary, and the fencing will be removed in time.
A halfpipe at the skate park at Rotary Park in Bacchus Marsh is set to be removed due to safety concerns, with temporary fencing and signage currently in place.
Council has asked residents to avoid the park until works are completed, and CEO Derek Madden says plans for the skate park are being investigated.
“As part of Council’s ongoing inspection regime at the park, some defects were identified at the halfpipe that warranted a more detailed investigation,” Mr Madden said.
“As a result, Council engaged a structural engineer to inspect the steel structure who deemed the halfpipe unsafe for use.
“Therefore, Council immediately cordoned off the area and advised the community it was closed. To avoid unauthorised use, we will remove the halfpipe as soon as possible and will look at options going forward to have it replaced.”
Works are expected to begin over the next few weeks.