Hard rubbish collection back on agenda
By Lachlan Ellis
A hard rubbish collection service for Moorabool will be investigated for a second time – but not every Councillor thinks another report is necessary.
A motion, asking for a new report into the service, was put forward by Cr Rod Ward at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 1 December.
It was seconded by Cr Dudzik, but Cr Tatchell voiced his dissent, prompting a debate.
“The request is to ask the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report on the provision of hard waste collection to Moorabool Shire properties. Significantly, the notice of motion does request consideration of residents’ support for such a service, so any proposed service will need the residents’ support,” Cr Ward explained.
“It also takes into consideration whether in some areas residents may or may not want such a service. It’s asked for benchmarking against other councils, potential advantages of service and disadvantages.
Cr Ward said he is deeply concerned about the increase of illegal dumping of rubbish throughout the Shire.
“We’re privileged to live in one of the most beautiful councils in Victoria, but spending a lot of time on the road, I’m growing more and more concerned, and more and more aware of illegally dumped rubbish.”
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in the 14 December 2021 edition
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