Have a say to shape town’s future

Forward thinking: Moorabool Shire CEO Derek Madden said the Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan aims to strengthen the area's value. Photo: FILE
THE draft Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan is open for community consultation.
The plan will create a framework for land use, development and design on both public and private land for the next 15 years.
The aim is to strengthen the role of Bacchus Marsh town centre as the primary civic, employment and retail precinct in the Moorabool Shire.
“The key focuses of the plan include unlocking development potential, creating a main street with safe access that supports public space and creating an expanded town centre around the main street, shopping centres and civic site, which builds on the existing town character,” said Moorabool Shire CEO, Derek Madden.
Initial community consultation was conducted last year, and feedback included a desire to keep the character of the area, the importance of community facilities, building on existing shops, and creating safe and efficient access.
“The consultation told us that the community value the tree lined streets and village feel and want to conserve and retain this character as the town grows,” said Mr Madden.
“There was also feedback that green spaces, walking and bike paths are valued, and residents would like to be able to purchase their essential and household items in the town centre.
“This feedback was captured in the shared vision statements and forms the foundation of the structure plan.”
The last structure plan was adopted in 2011 and since then, Bacchus Marsh has undergone significant change.
“The goal is to provide a 15-year vision to strengthen the role of the town centre as the primary civic, employment and retail precinct in the Shire,” said Mr Madden.
“The current draft plan considers the expected increase in population around Bacchus Marsh, which will have different needs from those which were planned in 2011.”
Feedback can be provided on the Moorabool Shire website, by email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘draft Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan’ or in writing via a letter addressed to Strategic Planning, Moorabool Shire Council, PO Box 18, Ballan Victoria, 3342.
The plan will be open for feedback until Sunday 11 August.