Have an eagle eye for prohibited weed

March 4, 2019 BY

Landholders in Moorabool are urged to be on the lookout for orange hawkweed and report suspected plants to Agriculture Victoria.
Agriculture Victoria Biosecurity Officer, Deven McPhan, said orange hawkweed has recently been found on properties, roadsides and gardens in the Blackwood, Daylesford and Trentham regions.
The sightings were reported through Agriculture Victoria’s Weed Spotters network, which is made up of members of the public who play a key role in detecting and reporting State prohibited weeds in Victoria.
Orange hawkweed is a State prohibited weed, which is the highest category of declared weed in Victoria due to the risk they pose to agriculture, the environment and social amenity. State prohibited weeds are managed with the aim of eradicating them from Victoria.
Mr McPhan said it is a very aggressive competitor for light, soil nutrients and space and can cause significant harm to ecosystems by restricting the growth of neighbouring plants through the release of chemicals into the soil. This results in native plants being replaced by a dense mat of orange hawkweed.
“Biosecurity Officers control orange hawkweed at various sites around Victoria that were planted when the species was traded, prior to its declaration as a State prohibited weed in 2003.”
Orange hawkweed is easily identified by its bright orange daisy-like flowers with square ended petals. The flowers are up to 15 mm across and arranged in clusters on the stem.
If you find orange hawkweed, please do not attempt to treat or dispose of this weed. Agriculture Victoria will treat, remove and/or dispose of it at no cost to the landowner.
All sightings of orange hawkweed should be reported to Agriculture Victoria immediately by calling 136 186 or emailing [email protected].