Help fireys help the Appeal

Chip in: Bill Searle and Ian Ireland from the Ballan Fire Brigade are asking locals to dig deep this Good Friday, and volunteer to fundraise if they can. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS
LOCAL firefighters are once again raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital this Good Friday, and are asking people to give generously, and lend a hand if they can.
The Ballan Group of Fire Brigades raised over $20,000 for the Good Friday Appeal last year, and are hoping to raise even more this time around.
Ballan CFA member and fundraising co-ordinator, Ian Ireland, said the brigades would be fundraising even before Good Friday itself.
“We start on Thursday out at the Mobil service centres, to collect from people who are leaving town early and may be out of the area on Good Friday,” Mr Ireland said.
“We pre-collect at the Ballan IGA as well, and on Good Friday we try to get completely around the town doorknocking for donations, and a bit out of the outer areas depending on how many volunteers we get.”
While the community can always be counted on to dig deep on Good Friday, Mr Ireland said a continuing decrease in fundraising volunteers looms as a significant problem.
“We do struggle with volunteers for Good Friday – in my 25 years collecting for the Good Friday Appeal in Ballan it’s certainly been decreasing. If anyone out there wants to help, they’re quite welcome to join us,” he said.
“Either be at the Ballan Fire Station at 9 o’clock on Good Friday, or register through the Good Friday Appeal website.
“Every year we collect a little more than we normally do, I think last year we collected about $26,000 for the District.
“Our District is the Ballan Group area, which includes not only Ballan but Greendale and Gordon.
“Anyone that makes phone donations now adds to our tally too. You can use the app if you want to, and you can also donate by phone or with a QR code.”
For more information, visit the Ballan Fire Brigade Facebook page or the Good Friday Appeal website.