Help manage gorse

High risk: It may be pretty in flower, but gorse poses serious fire danger, especially when left to spread freely. Photo: SUPPLIED
GORSE is a noxious weed that poses a serious problem during fire season, but there are ways you can help control it, with support from a state taskforce.
A highly invasive and flammable species, gorse has been the focus of a successful partnership between the Victorian Gorse Taskforce, the Country Fire Authority, and Landcare Victoria.
Prickly, dense, high in oil, and a strong, impenetrable grower, gorse creates extreme fire hazards.
The weed was the focus of a control operation by the VGT and CFA at a site in Mount Egerton this month, reducing its spread into the adjoining park land.
Mulching is an ideal first step in controlling gorse, and the VGT encourages landholders to connect with their local Landcare group for resources, guidance, and support in dealing with gorse or other weeds.
Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group coordinator Jackson Cass said gorse is a big issue across the entire Moorabool Shire.
“Gorse is one of our priority weeds we target through the Moorabool region, and it’s pretty widespread throughout the whole area,” Mr Cass said.

“I’d say some of the more infested areas are around the Meredith, Morrisons, and Elaine area, but really it’s quite spread out.
“It’s all about assessing your gorse problem on an annual basis, and trying to stay on top of it, really. The hardest thing is getting that first lot of control works done on your property.
“It’s much easier if we attend to our gorse annually, usually through summer. It’s good to walk through your property in spring to see if there is any gorse, or if you’ve previously treated it, if it’s recovering, so you’ve got an idea of what you need to do in summer.”
The VGT offers assistance to landholders through both educational materials and gorse control grants, which can be accessed via local Landcare and grassroots friends-of groups.
Community groups may apply for funding through the VGT for up to $8000 for on-ground work, and participating landholders may receive up to $1500 matched with their own monetary contribution.
The VGT, CFA, and Landcare Victoria have made a combined resource to make it easy to access key points and directions for further assistance. This can be found at