Human papillomavirus – vaccine sessions

April 1, 2022 BY

HPV vaccine sessions for Year 8-12 students – BEGINS TOMORROW IN DARLEY

HPV (Human papillomavirus)
HPV is a highly contagious virus

Due to the past two difficult years, there has been a drop off in the uptake of the vaccine that protects against the spread of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which causes certain cancers and other sexually transmitted conditions.
This vaccine is offered at schools to all year 7 students. For those students in years 8 – 12 who may have either missed one or both doses of the HPV vaccination we are offering a catch-up program either at school or at the Council offices on the dates listed below.

If you would like your child to, or they would like to, have the vaccination please contact Council direct on 5366 7100 and we can book you into the preferred session for your child. If your child is 13 years old, they will need 2 doses, if your child is 15 years old it is recommended to have 3 doses. This catch-up program is free of charge.

Darley Children’s Hub
2 April 10am – 2pm
Darley Pavilion, 182 Halletts Way Darley
6 April 5pm – 7pm
8 October 10am – 2 pm
12 October 5pm – 7pm
Bacchus Marsh College
5 April 9am – 11am
6 October 9am – 11am
Bacchus Marsh Grammar
26 April 9am – 11am
13 October 9am – 11am

For more information about HVP please see the link below.

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