Informing parents in a digital world

Informing: School teacher Marty McGauran and psychologist Carley McGauran are set to lead an event aimed at promoting kids’ digital safety and wellbeing. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE DIGITAL world can be a confusing place for some kids, but an upcoming information session is aiming to teach parents and carers how best to address topics like social media and cyber bullying.
More than 160 people attended the first session held by Inform & Empower locally last April, and Moorabool Police’s youth officer, Leading Senior Constable Jim Ross, said he’s hoping an even bigger crowd will attend this year.
The session will form part of the Inform & Empower program’s local expansion, with the effort being provided for free to primary school children in the Bacchus Marsh and Coimadai areas.
“I think it’s imperative that the parents and carers attend the sessions, simply because the schools will be sending them information in regard to the upcoming lesson, or the lesson their child has had, with the Inform & Empower person,” said Leading Senior Constable Ross.
“That in itself, we hope, will create conversations at home, that they can further inform and empower parents to have a better idea, and engage in that conversation with the young person as to their online activities.”
On Wednesday 20 March at 7pm, Martin and Carley McGauran from Inform & Empower will hold the Raising Kids in a Digital World session at the John Lever Gymnasium at Bacchus Marsh Grammar.
Leading Senior Constable Ross said last year’s session had been an eye-opener for many parents and carers.
“I’m almost certain that any parent that walks into that information session thinking that they won’t gain anything new, will be very surprised,” he said.
“The feedback that we got last year was that it blew people’s minds.
“They weren’t aware of certain things. But it’s by no means scaremongering, it’s about informing and empowering parents to keep their child safe online.
“It gives them a wealth of information and resources, and Marty and his team are regularly updating with new games and apps, so they’re right up to date with it.”
The Inform & Empower program has been made available for free locally for the next three years for children in the eligible area though Bacchus Marsh Community Bank Branch funding.
To register for the free event, visit