It was a very Good Friday

Greendale Rural Fire Brigade volunteers collected donations at the roundabout outside the Greendale Pub on Good Friday. Photo - submitted
By Lachlan Ellis
Over $50,000 has been raised locally for the Good Friday Appeal, with the Moorabool community giving generously to volunteer tin-shakers and collection containers across the Shire.
The Bacchus Marsh Lions Club raised $30,643.67 over the last 12 months, beating last year’s total of $30,338.60.
David Atterbury coordinates the Good Friday fundraiser for the Club, and said he was amazed at the total raised.
“I’m absolutely stoked, very happy with the amount raised. It’s probably the sort of target we hoped to raise, but because of so much lockdown over the last 12 months, it was a bit of a surprise,” Mr Atterbury told the Moorabool News.
“People are extremely generous come that last week, particularly on Good Friday. The Appeal has been a part of what we do for so long…for me, it’s important because they saved the life of my son when he was seven years old, so it was a very easy decision to make when I was asked to look after fundraising for this area.”
Fire brigades further west raised close to $20,000, with Ballan, Greendale, and Gordon Fire Brigades raising a combined total of $18,960.50, and Mt Egerton Fire Brigade collected $617.65 for the cause.
Ballan CFA member and fundraising co-ordinator, Ian Ireland, said the total was a fantastic effort for a small community.
“It’s a tremendous effort…it’s a worthwhile cause, and something CFA has traditionally always been involved in. Thanks have got to be given to all those people that came out and collected, on a day when they could’ve stayed home or done something with their families, but they gave their time so willingly,” he said.
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in the 26 April 2022 edition
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