It’s the conversation of the hour

May 26, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis
ABC Radio’s Conversation Hour program came to Moorabool on Monday (16 May), asking locals what issues they were concerned about – and the resounding theme was “we’re not being listened to”.
Melbourne presenters Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long set up the outdoor broadcast in the rotunda at Eddie Toole Reserve on Main Street, with a crowd of around 50 locals gathering to listen and have their say before the federal election last Saturday.
Guest speakers included Derek Madden (CEO Moorabool Shire Council), Bacchus Marsh Grammar Principal Andrew Neal, and Glenda Jones from Jeff Jones Plants and Produce.
Richelle and Warwick’s initial thoughts on Bacchus Marsh was that it’s a growing country town, suffering ‘growing pains’ from a lack of required funding and infrastructure.
Moorabool Shire Council CEO Derek Madden said eight-years-ago their Capital Works was $10 million, this year it’s $65 million.
“That’s playing catch-up. That’s pure catch-up on the population that’s already here, for the population that’s coming we are struggling,” Mr Madden said.
An indoor pool was a facility desired by the Moorabool community, a need echoed by the CEO.
“I know a lot of people in the community are talking about a swimming pool – Council have committed nearly $30 million to that sporting precinct, which is really just playing catch-up on infrastructure that was much-needed. We do have a commitment from State and asked the Feds to match our commitment of $15 million for the pool.” That appeared to fall on deaf ears.
Texts and calls from the public were also taken, and Warwick asked members of the crowd on Main Street what their major concerns were.
Local resident Russell called for a federal ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) to keep an eye on politicians’ integrity, while Judy, a former primary school teacher, said schools were crowded, traffic was a major issue in Bacchus Marsh, and a Western Freeway upgrade was also desperately needed.

To read the full story – Simply click on the following link

in the 24 May 2022 edition
pick up a paper around your town.