Learn about the role of local gov

Gathering knowledge: The City of Ballarat will host an MAV stand for council community and candidate information session next month. Photo: FILE
MEMBERS of the Municipal Association of Victoria will be in Ballarat next month providing a community and candidate information session for upcoming Local Government elections.
Attendees will learn information about the role of councils, the responsibilities of a councillor, mayor, deputy-mayor and CEO, the election process, what newly elected councillors can expect, and councillor training opportunities.
Interested participants can attend a session outside their municipality and the sessions can be attended in person or online.
“The stand for council sessions are incredibly important for people thinking about running for council,” said Kelly Grigsby, CEO of MAV.
“They focus on what councils do, the varied services they provide, because councils provide 100 plus services to the community.
“They also talk about the role of the councillor and the importance of being a councillor to represent communities in their local area.”
The MAV is the legislated peak body for Victoria’s local councils and aims to represent and advocate for local government interests, promote the role of local government and build the capacity of councils.
“We also work with other local government associations across the country and participate in the Australian Local Government Association,” said Ms Grigsby.
“We play a state role but we also have an important role in influencing both state and federal policy.”
Ms Grigsby said the organisation is encouraging a diverse range of candidates to stand for council this October. “Communities are changing, expectations are changing,” said Ms Grigsby.
“It’s important that councils do actually reflect the diversity of their community.
“We’re really wanting people who may not have previously thought about standing for council to really think about if they’re passionate about their communities, passionate about their places… to really think about council as a good pathway.”
The MAV stand for council community and candidate information session will be hosted by the City of Ballarat on Thursday 8 August.
To register to attend visit the MAV website.