‘Let’s talk’ about young people’s development

Let's talk: The rise in vaping, and the effects on mental and physical health, will be a focal point of the free discussion forum. Photo: SUPPLIED
MOORABOOL Shire Council has partnered with two health groups, to deliver a free forum focused on young people’s health later this month.
The ‘Let’s Talk’ discussion forum will take place at 6.30pm on Monday 29 April at Lerderderg Library, focusing on mental and physical health, how drugs including nicotine can affect health, and the support networks that are available.
Presented by the Alcohol & Drug Foundation and Western Health, the forum is designed with parents, educators, and other interested community members in mind.
Moorabool Shire mayor, Cr Ally Munari, encouraged the community to get involved in the forum.
“Council is pleased to partner with the Alcohol & Drug Foundation and Western Health to host this important chat about youth mental health and the effects of drugs and alcohol,” Cr Munari said.
“Discussion topics include having conversations about drugs with young people, development, and mental health and how to access support.
To find out more about the free event and register, visit moorabool.vic.gov.au/Events/Youth-mental-health-vaping-and-other-drugs-forum.