Library to benefit and a Foundation formed

The proceeds from the sale of the former BDH&C to Mecwacare have been announced. Photo – The Moorabool News
There has been a lot of talk on the street, and Letters to The Moorabool News, about the whereabouts of the residual funds from the sale of a local health organisation.
The proceeds of the sale of Ballan District Health & Care, to Mecwacare in 2021 is close to $2 million, and the discussion of how this money should be spent within the local community has been a hot topic since.
Last week, the Board and Association Members of Ballan District Health & Care issued a statement announcing their delight that the proceeds from the sale will create an ongoing legacy for the district.
BDHC President Lyn Gunnell said 15-months ago, the Board advertised for community ideas for spending the proceeds from the sale.
“The community responded with some 24 concepts, ranging from scholarships for nursing students, to art projects for health, to walking tracks, to bidets for age care residents, to memorial plantings,” she said.
Ms Gunnell said the community’s inventiveness was striking.
“The message was clear. The current BDHC members wanted the money to be used to improve local health outcomes, but they asked us to think beyond the doctor’s office. They also wanted us to find a practical way to memorialise our bush nursing hospital’s history.”
After many meetings and discussions, two key decisions were made to contribute to the new Ballan Library & Community Hub, and to establish a new local charitable health promotion foundation.
A quarter of a million dollars will now be contributed to the new Ballan Library and Community Hub, memorialising the BDHC history and helping young people.
Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr Rod Ward said Council is pleased this funding has been allocated to the new complex.
“The Ballan Library Hub is going to be a fantastic asset for the community of Ballan and surrounds, once its built.”
The library was scheduled to begin construction in May 2023, no date has been indicated for the first sod to be turned. Council was contacted for comment.
Merilyn and Ray Meadows had many letters of concern published in the Moorabool News, about the allocation of residual funds.
“What has happened to the Community’s money from the sale of the Ballan Hospital?” one letter read.
“The Ballan Hospital was sold by the former Committee to cover debts and as a way forward. At the time no public meetings were held to alert the community as to what was going on,” the former BDHC Board Member and Life Member Ray Meadows said.
Mrs Meadows said last week she had no objections to the library fund, when asked about the decision of where the money from the sale was to be spent.
“I still believe the trust is a waste of money and how much was spent setting this up?
“My personal opinion is the money should also have been spent on some sort of physical activity, which could have been a walking trail, something that will last into the future,” she told the Moorabool News.
“It is a huge disappointment that no public community meetings were ever held to discuss this.”
The bulk of the $250,000 will be tied to purchasing resources and equipment for young people, to better support their mental health and wellbeing.
“In addition, some of the funds will be used towards a First Nations Public Artwork and a small balance will contribute to housing and memorialising BDHC’s history,” the statement read.
The remaining $1.55 million will be used to establish a local charitable health promotion foundation, The West Moorabool Foundation Ltd.
The statement said the Foundation will be a health promotion and disease prevention not-for-profit, focused on Ballan and its surrounding districts.
“The foundation will have the capacity to implement some of the community’s suggestions over time and will focus on key health problems such as poor mental health, diabetes, heart health, and dementia.”
And just who will implement these programs is still a work in progress.
According to CEO BDHC James McComb, the exact details have not been worked out.
“The foundation would engage an organisation or individuals to carry out a specific program,” he said.
“For example, if a free health check was run one night to offer to check people’s blood pressure etc, the foundation could engage mecwacare just for this project.”
The foundation will be open to new members and new directors and currently include founding directors Ann Griffin, Tor Roxburgh and Robert Eskdale.
Membership enquires can be addressed to the foundation’s Secretary at [email protected].