Look up and live

April 16, 2022 BY

Worksafe Victoria

Be aware of what is above you
Powerlines are part of our landscape – sometimes we don’t even notice they are there.

With the sun in your eyes, trees in your line of vision or if you are watching something else, you may not see how close you are to powerlines.

Accidental contact with powerlines can cause electrocution death or serious injury but electricity-related deaths are preventable.

Always remember to look up and live. Follow our tips and procedures below to stay safe around powerlines.

Take extra care if your work involves:
Using tall machinery, such as cranes or augers
Driving high vehicles
Raising the tipper tray of trucks
Raising farm equipment such as irrigation pipes overhead
Climbing on top of machinery or storage silos

What to do if you or someone else hits a powerline
If you’re in a vehicle that hits or arcs a powerline, stay in the vehicle and call for help.

If you see someone hit a powerline, stay at least eight metres away and call 000.

Trucks and powerlines on farms
Trucks and powerlines are a dangerous combination. Several Victorians have been killed in accidents involving trucks hitting powerlines in rural areas.

Everyone involved in the delivery of materials has a duty of care to ensure the safety of themselves and others.

Order a free Farm safety sign or some Look up and Live stickers.

WorkSafe’s farm safety campaign: Stop, Look up and Live
Check for powerlines before any work begins

Tips for reducing the risk with overhead powerlines include:

Stack hay and other materials well away from powerlines.
Park oversized machinery away from powerlines.
Rethink your loading zones on the farm – you don’t need to touch a powerline for it to arc.
Talk with workers and contractors about how to work safely around powerlines, and what to do if they hit a powerline.
Remember powerlines can sag in hot weather, which means there may be less distance between yourself and the powerlines than you think.

More safety tips to reduce risk around powerlines
Identify all areas where powerlines cross properties
Identify all electrical hazards before starting work – if in any doubt contact the local electricity distribution company
Relocate bulk delivery storage sites to a safe area away from powerlines
Suppliers of bulk materials must ascertain, when taking orders, the delivery point on the farm for the load, the proximity of powerlines and what safety precautions are in place should there be powerlines in the vicinity
Never raise the tray of tipper trucks when underneath powerlines
Drivers should refuse to deliver loads if their safety is compromised in any way
Ensure an ESV registered spotter is on hand when working near overhead powerlines
Display Look up and live stickers on any machinery or equipment which is raised overhead
Monitor weather conditions closely – powerlines can sag in extreme heat and sway in strong winds
Powerlines are more difficult to see at dawn and dusk
Remember that electricity can jump gaps