Make bike riding a long-term trend
Over the last two years there has been a boom in bike riding and there is a call to keep the wheels turning.
RACV is calling for Moorabool Shire cyclists to maintain the trend that has seen the increase in bike riding, citing benefits for health, daily commuting, and the economy.
On the back of significant infrastructure spending and lifestyle changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns, bike-riding is on the rise.
While cycling in the city dropped off due to working from home arrangements, bike use outside the city doubled compared to pre-pandemic numbers, according to We Ride Australia.
RACV General Manager arevo Mobility Elizabeth Kim said the “perfect storm” of events had inspired a surging interest in one of societies oldest forms of transport.
“The pandemic, in addition to some work that has gone into bicycle infrastructure, has created an ideal atmosphere for people to either get on a bike for the first time, or dust off the one in the garage,” Ms Kim said.
The surge in bike riding was not limited to just Victoria. A 2021 study from We Ride Australia showed that 1.7 million bikes were purchased across the nation in 2020, with a further 4.1 million Australian adults spending money on cycling-related goods and services.
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in the 11 January 2022 edition
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