Making it safe to play

SAFER THAN IT WAS – Fundraiser facilitator for the Recreation Reseve Lori Conroy and three of her six children (L-R) Judd, Jordi and Jhett with the new bark, making the playground safer until a new facility is purchased. Photo – Helen Tatchell
By Jessica Howard
The Ballan community have dug deep into their pockets to help fund a revamp of the old recreation reserve playground.
Ballan resident, Lori Conroy said the fundraising campaign was aimed at replacing the “dangerously outdated” existing playground.
“There are parts of the current playground missing and exposed; it really just needs to be torn down and replaced with something suitable,” she said.
“The old thing is definitely past its use by date”.
Ms Conroy said the community had so far raised close to $9,000 through donations, chocolate sales, raffles and an online GoFundMe campaign.
“The whole community has been so fantastic. Everyone is really willing to chip in and help support the project,” she said.
“The Moorabool Shire have so far donated a little bit of money too, which has enabled us to at least put down some fresh bark beneath the existing playground. It’s only a small step, but it means that in the meantime, it will be a little bit safer for our kids”.
Ms Conroy said she hoped to raise close to $30,000 towards the total project – a goal that is so far definitely in sight.
“We have two upcoming barbecue fundraisers and a barrel night at the Commercial Hotel in Ballan to come. We plan to raise a further $1,500 from those three events and that, paired with what will hopefully be a Moorabool Shire grant in August, should get us over the line.
“We initially set a goal of $20,000, but after seeing how much the community has got behind us, our target has grown”.
The new playground is set to be completed by December or January next year.
The fundraising barbecues will be held at the Ballan IGA on July 22 and Ballarat Coles on August 13. The barrel night is to be confirmed.
To donate, contact Lori Conroy on 0408 932 092 or visit