Merry Moorabool Christmas

Gary Hamilton rides his motorbike around the streets of Bacchus Marsh waving to all. Photo - David Whelan ©
By Helen Tatchell
The reindeer were a bit tired, so one Bacchus Marsh man decided to ramp up the horsepower and deliver Christmas cheer on his motorbike.
Gary Hamilton, dressed as Father Christmas, has been riding his Honda Gold Wing 1500cc, complete with trailer, around the streets of the town for around three-years, complemented with coloured lights.
“I just ride around the streets on the warmer days and nights, sometimes three-days a week in the lead up to Christmas,” he told the Moorabool News.
“The purpose is to bring a bit of cheer to the community, for the kids and the adults. I don’t give out presents or lollies, just myself, the bike and the lights.”
Growing up, Mr Hamilton said he liked Christmas and now he has the opportunity to provide that excitement to his community.
“I stop for kids and the parents take photos. Everyone waves,” he said.
“People just stop what they are doing and just look and smile. The kids’ faces are priceless.”
Living in Bacchus Marsh for the last sixteen years, Mr Hamilton uses the bike and trailer to deliver presents to his 14-grand-children in Melton.
“I usually do that on Christmas eve. They love it.”
** The Moorabool News would like to wish their readers, clients and supporters a very Merry Christmas and New Year. Travel safe and see you all again on 12 January 2021.
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in the 22 December 2020 edition
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