Moorabool Shire Council Seeks Input on Draft Retail Strategy

Plan needs more: Ballan's Ros Gatt said she believes the Shire's draft retail strategy won't do quite enough to boost local retail and hospitality. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS
A plan aimed at assisting shop owners within the municipality is currently open for consultation until Sunday. However, one local store owner remains skeptical about its effectiveness in the short-term.
Moorabool Shire Council has released a draft retail strategy outlining planned priorities for shopping areas. The document designates Bacchus Marsh’s town centre as the “major retail center” in the region, followed by the Ballan town centre. Proposed recommendations include the removal of existing floorspace caps in Bacchus Marsh, enhancements to traffic management and accessibility, and considerations for a larger supermarket and a new activity center in Ballan.
While broadly in agreement with the outlined priorities, Ros Gatt, owner of Ballan’s Zest Café, asserts that more immediate action is necessary to attract people to Moorabool. Gatt expresses concerns regarding the projected population growth and emphasizes the urgency for upgrades to main street infrastructure to accommodate current visitors. She advocates for the expedited development of retail stores over eateries.
The draft strategy also suggests the implementation of medium-density housing near town centers to promote alternative modes of transportation such as walking or biking. Gatt expresses mixed sentiments about this proposal, emphasizing the importance of preserving the town’s charm and raising concerns about the inadequacy of local accommodations beyond the Ballan Caravan Park and Phoenix Park.
The consultation process for the draft retail strategy is open to both store owners and the general public. Those interested in reviewing the document and providing input can do so before the deadline on Sunday, March 3, by visiting the Moorabool Shire Council’s engagement hub website.