Moorabool talent shines at show

Expertise: Lynette Dehnert was awarded three prizes at this year's Royal Melbourne Show for her embroidery. Photos: SUPPLIED
RESIDENTS of Moorabool Shire were among the winners of this year’s Royal Melbourne Show art, craft and cookery competitions.
Embroiderer Lynette Dehnert was awarded first and second place in the surface stitch embroidery competition and first prize in the stump work or raised embroidery category.

Dehnert said it felt rewarding to receive these prizes for her efforts.
“It’s very rewarding because you know that the standard is very high,” she said.
“You get some idea of how you’re going with your work comparing it with other people’s work and you get some good ideas.”
Bacchus Marsh Grammar’s Cidney won the decorated cupcakes years 11 and 12 competition while Peta came runner up.

Madison, also from Bacchus Marsh Grammar, was awarded second prize in the decorated cupcakes years seven and eight category and also received committee creative commendation award.
Maddie from Bacchus Marsh Grammar came second in the drawing year seven and eight category, and Molly and Alexis received first and second prize respectively in the year seven and eight decorated cakes competition.
Dehnert encouraged the community to continue supporting local shows by entering their competitions.
“I’ve been entering the Melbourne Show for a long, long time,” she said.
“I encourage people to enter and enjoy it.”