Moorabool, the place to play

Minister Jaclyn Symes cuts the ribbon with Crs Edwards, Dudzik and Member for Melton Steve McGhie. Photo - HELEN TATCHELL
By Helen Tatchell
An ‘open-space’ has just been filled and is bound to bring enjoyment and laughter.
A new playground at Mason’s Lane in Bacchus Marsh will adorn the already well used and functional multi-use recreation facility.
The $120,000 outdoor play area was built under the Pick My Project program and the area is utilised by sporting clubs, local schools and community members.
Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes joined Moorabool Council Mayor Cr David Edwards, Cr Tonia Dudzik and Member for Melton Steve McGhie last Thursday 13 February, to officially cut the ribbon to complete the opening of the playground.
Cr Edward said research and consultation undertaken in the preparation of Council’s Recreation and Open Space Strategy, identified the need for infrastructure to service the growing population in the area.
“The provision of a playground and seating will encourage passive activities and provide a destination for the wider Bacchus Marsh community.”
The funding from the Pick My Project was used to install seating and a playground at the reserve to promote health and wellbeing in the community.
“…as well as supporting social connections,” Cr Edwards said.
Minister Symes said the new playground is a wonderful asset, ideal for families in the growing community.
“Masons Lane Reserve is a popular precinct for locals – I’m delighted Pick My Project funding has delivered a brand- new playground for the community – that young families will adore.”
The project was popular through the Pick My Project initiative, receiving 224 votes from the community, with $1.81 million from the program invested into the Central Highlands region.