More than just a quilt

Lauren Matthews has been putting together the Community Quilt, which she says will comprise over 100 squares. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
By Lachlan Ellis
Moorabool residents of all ages have been contributing to a community quilt over the past two months, with an important message – ‘Respect Women: Call It Out’.
As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 2022, squares for the ‘Moorabool Shire Council Community Quilt Against Gender-Based Violence’ have been created at seven drop-in sessions, led by Ballan artist and academic Lauren Matthews.
At its core, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is about calling out bad behaviour, challenging it in safe ways, and raising awareness that gender-based violence is still a major problem.
Contributors to the quilt have provided squares with designs representing what respect means to them, including “being equal”, “acceptance for and of who you inherently are”, and “feeling heard”.
Ms Matthews said the project allowed the community to connect through an artistic medium that women have been taking part in for centuries.
“The quilt is kind of Moorabool Shire Council’s response to the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. We were lucky enough to get a grant as part of this, as well as Council contributing some of its own money into the project. I came on-board as a local textile artist…we’ve run seven drop-in stitching sessions across the Shire,” she told the Moorabool News.
“Different people of all ages have participated. We’ve developed a really beautiful artwork that will live on in Moorabool Shire as part of the commitment to preventing gender-based violence.
“I think when people see quilts, they feel safe. They bring this sense of warmth and safety…I like that we’re able to juxtapose that with these messages around preventing violence, so we can use the quilt as a kind of vehicle to generate safety.”
Work on the quilt began in October, with a forum bringing together local women, non-binary people, and organisations. Speakers from the Orange Door – the main family violence service in the area – spoke with attendees at the forum.
The last day to contribute to the quilt was Monday 28 November, and when completed, it will be displayed on rotation between the Ballan and Lerderderg Libraries.
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 2022 began on Friday 25 November, with a launch day for the Community Quilt taking place on the final day, Saturday 10 December.
The launch will take place from 10.30 am to 12 pm at the Lerderderg Library, with a morning tea, speeches, and a live music performance.
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