More volunteers sought

A Meals on Wheels volunteer delivers from the Bacchus Marsh hospital to clients within the shire. Photo - Western Health
There is always a need for more volunteers in any organisation, especially now as COVID has restricted a lot of services in the Moorabool Shire.
One local service is seeking additional volunteers and involves the delivery of meals from the Bacchus Marsh Hospital to support the clients of the Moorabool Shire.
Rachel Wright is the Volunteer Coordinator for Meals on Wheels through Western Health’s Volunteer Program, and said with the delivery of meals to residents’ homes it enables many people to remain in their home with assisted living.
“We are putting out the call for additional volunteers to help with the delivery of these meals on a roster system,” she said.
“Usually, it is only once every three weeks, and the packed meals are collected from the hospital and delivered between 11.30am and 1pm.”
Ms Wright said the regular visits from volunteers improves the clients’ wellbeing
“It also increases social interaction.”
If you would like more information about the service or would like to become a volunteer please contact the Coordinator of Volunteers on 5367 9125.
Western Health’s Volunteer Program focuses on engaging with the local community by offering relevant and worthwhile volunteering opportunities.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link
in the 29 March 2022 edition
pick up a paper around your town.