MP urges shire to apply for pool funding

Splash: If the Moorabool Shire makes an application to the Thriving Suburbs Fund, it could get its priority Bacchus Marsh pool project underway. Photo: FILE
THE Federal Member for Hawke Sam Rae has written to the Moorabool Shire via its CEO Derek Madden, urging council officers to apply for Thriving Suburbs Program funding.
Mr Rae said he is aware of the Bacchus Marsh community’s desire to have their own public indoor pool, and applying for the Thriving Suburbs stream of funding would be the best way for the council to secure cash to get the priority project underway.
“I’ve heard loud and clear that locals in Bacchus Marsh need an indoor pool,” Mr Rae said.
“As a local dad myself, I know firsthand how important this is to our community.
“I want to work with Moorabool Shire to give our community the best chance of securing the pool funding under the Thriving Suburbs Program.”
The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, and Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, recently announced that applications for the fund were open.
Local government and not-for-profit organisations can apply for Thriving Suburbs funding for community infrastructure projects like libraries and sports centres and grants are available between $500,000 and $15 million.