New hub for Navigators

June 17, 2024 BY

Work in progress: The Navigators Community Hub is scheduled for completion in October. Photo: SUPPLIED

WORKS on a new community centre for the town of Navigators are set to be finished before the end of the year, with a range of new facilities to be made available.

More than $600,000 has been provided for a new Navigators Community Hub, located at 344 Navigators Road.

Works commenced in April, and are scheduled for completion in October.

The hub will replace the old facilities.

The hub will replace the old hall and public toilets, and will be designed to hold a range of events and groups from Navigators and the surrounding communities.

It will include a multi-purpose space, kitchen, storage and accessible amenities available for the community and visitors to use.

Also in the works are new tennis club rooms.

Moorabool Shire Council has advised that the public toilets will be temporarily affected by the works, and will be unavailable until construction of the Community Hub is complete.

$326,000 has been contributed by the State Government under Round 2 of the Regional Infrastructure Fund, and $200,000 from the Federal Government under Round 4 of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

The final $117,000 was provided by Moorabool Shire Council.
