New look in home straight

(L-R) Tor Roxburgh and Silvia Green enjoy the winter sun on the new seating that is part of the completed Stage 2 streetscape works in Ballan. Photo – Helen Tatchell
By Meg Kennedy
The next stage in the Ballan streetscape upgrade has commenced and is one step closer to completion.
Works on Stage 3 began on Monday, 15 July – the next stage in the extensive works along Inglis street, which began in 2018.
The town centre of Ballan has been under construction for the last six-months, with the Stage 2 works having recently been completed along the south side of Inglis Street.
“Stage 3 will complete the implementation of the outcomes of the Masterplan developed in 2016-17 for Inglis St between Stead St and Cowie St, with the exception of future undergrounding of power*,” Acting GM Community Assets and Infrastructure Ewen Nevett told the Moorabool News.
The recent wet weather hasn’t caused setbacks for the works, which began on schedule as planned.
Although community concern has arisen due to the slipperiness of the pavement, Mr Nevett confirmed that “Council has received some feedback regarding the surface texture of the new bluestone paving,” and that “Council officers are currently working with the contractor and paving manufactures to ensure the pavers are compliant.”
The Ballan streetscape works are expected to be completed sometime in mid-November.
* “Underground conduits have been installed throughout Stages 1 to 3 to allow for future undergrounding of power. These works are subject to future budget considerations and as such, a timeframe has not yet been identified,” Mr Nevett said.