New trees taking root

Branching out: Moorabool Shire Council is responsible for maintaining over 18,000 trees, and is continually planting new ones every year. Photo: SUPPLIED
TREES are being planted across the region, as Moorabool Shire Council’s annual planting begins.
This year’s plantings are concentrating on various streets in Maddingley, Darley, Gordon, Millbrook, Navigators and Ballan, in line with council’s Street Tree Planting Strategy.
The plantings are the latest part of a municipal five-year program, which in previous years has seen parts of Wallace, Mount Egerton, Darley, and Maddingley become home to new ironbark, oak, gum, and elm trees.
“Our trees are one of Moorabool’s greatest assets,” Moorabool Shire mayor, Cr Ally Munari said.
“Council is committed to planting more trees each year and for caring for our existing trees.”
Council officers are responsible for the management and maintenance of more than 18,000 urban, rural and reserve trees, and is committed to an ongoing program for the planting of street trees throughout the municipality.
Management and maintenance of Bacchus Marsh’s Avenue of Honour also falls under the Shire’s responsibility.
The plan for street tree planting covers the supply, planting and establishment of the trees across the urban and rural areas within the local government area.
The new plantings, which will be completed by the end of this month, are a blend of natives and exotics, with each mix catering to the location.
Careful planning has been given to the species of trees planted in each area, with consideration of the environment, climate, soil conditions, aesthetic, and the growth of the trees.