No stance on Voice

Hepburn Shire Council has voted unanimously for a motion to support the Voice to Parliament, but Moorabool Shire Council has not declared a stance. Photo – Hepburn Shire Council
By Lachlan Ellis
While a neighbouring council has declared its support for the Voice to Parliament referendum occurring later this year, Moorabool Shire Council says it has no official stance.
On 16 August, Hepburn Shire Council announced its “unanimous support for the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through the Voice to Parliament”, with Mayor Cr Brian Hood saying the stance fit with the council’s position to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart in August 2022.
“Our support for the Voice to Parliament aligns with the work Council does towards recognition and reconciliation, including actions within our four-year Council Plan, Community Vision and Reconciliation Action Plan,” Cr Hood said.
“Examples of this work include the award-winning Manna Gums Frontier Wars Memorial near Coomoora; bringing language back to Country with the creek naming of Larni Barramal Yaluk; and supporting a range of community activities that promote understanding and reconciliation.”
In supporting the Voice however, Cr Hood said Hepburn Shire Council “appreciate there are divergent views on this matter within the community” and “encourage our community to inform themselves and respectfully exercise their democratic right to have their say”.
Moorabool Shire Council was asked its thoughts on the referendum and declined to comment in depth, but a spokesperson said Council “do not have a stance yet on the Voice to Parliament”.