Not-so-joyous subdivision

The proposed site to where a new unit will be placed behind an existing house. Source - Moorabool Shire Council
By Meg Kennedy
A proposed single-storey dwelling at the rear of an existing house in Simpson Street, Ballan saw an emotional objection from neighbours at a recent Development Assessment Committee (DAC) council meeting.
Objectors shared their concerns that the dwelling would not fit in the neighbourhood character, noise, and would encroach on backyard views of the Werribee River and surrounding bushland.
A description of the unit in the DAC agenda specified that “some vegetation in the secluded private open space to the existing dwelling will need to be removed to facilitate this development.”
Simpson Street residents Marianne and Steven Golding emotionally shared their disappointment with the plans with councillors.
“I’m 54-years old…and I haven’t got the energy to start somewhere else,” said Mr Golding, breaking into tears.
After the objectors spoke, Cr Tonia Dudzik asked councillors if there were “reasons as to how [the dwelling] doesn’t apply to the Moorabool Planning Scheme?”
Mayor Cr Paul Tatchell replied, “it’s an odd question…could it be worded a different way?”
The DAC agenda read that the applicant of the permit has no intention to undertake consultation with the objectors.
“The dwellings would be of a conventional design, which in the context of the area is acceptable, onsite amenity for future residents would be acceptable and there would be no unreasonable amenity impacts on neighbours,” read the permit.
“Altered layouts and setbacks to the proposed dwelling can be resolved through the submission of revised plans.”
The issue was moved to the next DAC meeting to be held in September.