Out-of-pocket costs cut

March 7, 2022 BY

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Senator for Victoria Sarah Henderson has welcomed a significant increase in the rate of Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for local families with multiple children aged five or under in child care.
Acting Minister for Education and Youth, Stuart Robert, said the Australian Government had lifted the rate of CCS by 30 per cent for the second child aged five or under and any younger children in child care, up to a maximum rate of 95 per cent.
The higher subsidy will boost support for working families and follows the removal of the annual CCS cap of $10,655 for families earning over $190,015 (in 2021-22 terms) from 10 December 2021 – and beyond.
‘These measures will ease the cost of child care for about 250,000 families throughout Australia who on average will be around $2,260 a year better off,’ Minister Robert said.
‘For a family who are charged a typical fee and earns $120,000 a year with two children in child care for five days per week, the saving will be $144 per week compared to current settings.’
The Morrison Government fast-tracked the increased subsidy, bringing it forward from 1 July 2022 to Monday 7 March.
‘Families do not have to do anything to receive the increased subsidy – it will flow to families automatically, with no need to apply to Services Australia,’ Minister Robert said.
‘But families keen to know their benefits can go to the new StartingBlocks.gov.au website and use the simple family estimator.’
– Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson
Senator for Victoria

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