Packed program to celebrate seniors

Getting active: Sandy takes part in a Pilates session at Gordon Hall organised by Justine Pilgrim. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN
THE annual Victorian Seniors’ Festival program has been released, with a month of free and low-cost activities on offer in Moorabool Shire in October.
This year’s theme is Explore. Engage. Evolve. and it encourages older Victorians to try something new and challenge how they think about ageing.
The program includes activities such as a festival celebration day and expo, free Devonshire tea, financial information service sessions, and Bacchus Marsh Men’s Shed come and try days.
At Gordon Public Hall, Justine Pilgrim from Nineteen76 fitness and personal training is running two free Pilates sessions.
Slow and controlled movements are designed to strengthen core muscles and improve posture, balance and stability, and coordination.
“The older we get, the more we should be strengthening our muscles and our bones,” said Ms Pilgrim.
“When we start to get a little bit older, if we have a fall, we want to be able to get right back up again.”
The classes are suitable for all ages and all skill levels, and Ms Pilgrim’s oldest client is 82 years old.
“Before starting with me she’d never done Pilates before and she loves it,” said Ms Pilgrim.
“When we all get here, I introduce everyone for a start because I want people to walk through that door feeling comfortable and welcome.
“There’s always a modification, and as I always say to people, we work as a little team in here but at the end of the day you are working on your own body.”
Holders of a Victorian Seniors Card can also receive a week of free public transport from Sunday 6 October until to Sunday 13 October.
For more information about the festival, visit the Moorabool Shire council website.