Police detective framed

July 3, 2017 BY

Detective Carson at the launch in Ballarat. (photo Helen Tatchell).

By Kate Taylor

A portrait of former Moorabool resident Kevin Carson has been entered in the 2017 Archibald Prize.
Detective Sergeant Carson, who recently moved from Yendon, was painted by Ballarat artist Mr Milivoj Micich.
The portrait was revealed last week at the Victoria Police Museum by Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton, and then at Ballarat City Council.
Detective Sergeant Carson has been a serving member for 40 years, and is known for being involved with the investigation into child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in Ballarat.
He is also known for his sense of humour – which was on show as he addressed attendees at the unveiling of the portrait.
“For those of you who said I’m no oil painting… you’re wrong.”
The event MC was long-time friend Paul Tatchell, a Moorabool councillor.
“It’s a very large portrait. It shows his piercing eyes, and also his large hands which is perhaps a fitting metaphor for his protecting the people,” Mr Tatchell said.
He noted that Chief Commissioner Ashton congratulated Detective Sergeant Carson on his service.
“He grew up in Western Victoria, and he’s a detective in Ballarat – he would have had to investigate people he knew and that’s the calibre of the man. He’s very professional. He’s a very worthy person to be painted, he’s someone who’s dedicated his life to the police force – he’s good subject matter,” Mr Tatchell said.
Mr Carson said he is truly honoured to be a face for those men and their families that are no longer with us, and was simply doing his job.
“I do not consider myself to be exceptional. I consider the courage of victims and their families as exceptional,” he said.
With the Royal Commissions findings into Ballarat yet to be handed down, both Mr Micich and Detective Carson hope this portrait unites the Ballarat community ensuring the pervasive abuse of children highlighted by the Royal Commission will never be allowed to occur again.
Mr Micich’s aim is to be selected for exhibition by the Trustees of the NSW Art Gallery and to applaud the great man that is Detective Kevin Carson.