Police seek community feedback

Leading Senior Constable James Ross, helping a participant enter the survey via QR code. Photo - VicPol
By Lachlan Ellis
A stronger focus on community policing has been marked with a ‘Community Service Day’ at a local shopping centre, with police out and about to chat with locals recently.
Bacchus Marsh Police members handed out flyers and chatted with shoppers at the Village Shopping Centre, as part of state-wide efforts to increase community input on policing.
Senior Sergeant Jen Horgan is the Station Commander at Bacchus Marsh Police Station, and said it was vital to local police that the community provide feedback.
“The day was a great success. This, along with our monthly Coffee with a Cop events, are all part of our local plan to support the state-wide rollout of Neighbourhood Policing – which is about getting back to the very basics of police work,” Senior Sergeant Horgan told the Moorabool News.
“We’re not just listening to what the community’s worried about, but getting police to specifically address those concerns.”
This month, police are asking for the community to take part in the Community Sentiment Survey, which asks questions such as how safe you feel in your community, what your safety concerns are, and what ideas you have to improve community safety.
Results from the survey will be used in tandem with crime statistics, to inform Victoria Police’s priorities moving forward.
The survey closes on 30 April, and can be accessed at www.engage.vic.gov.au/annual-vicpol-community-sentiment-survey-2022.
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in the 12 April 2022 edition
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