Policy “sends a message”

January 12, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

An “acceptable setback distance” for high voltage transmission lines has been set by Moorabool Shire Council, in a policy approved just before Christmas,

The ‘High Voltage Transmission Line Setback Policy’ was one of four items that came before the Special Meeting of Council on Wednesday 22 December.

The policy states that Council “specifically seeks to limit the potential impacts on visual amenity, existing and future land uses, as well as adverse effects on human health resulting from EMF emissions characteristic of high voltage transmission infrastructure”.

It aligns Council’s policy for high voltage powerlines to the Australian Energy Commissioner’s recommendations – specifically, recommendation of the Commissioner’s 2020 Annual Report.

This recommendation states that “a transmission line that is less than 220kV should have a setback distance of 100 metres from a residence, while a powerline that is 220kV or greater should have a setback distance of 200 metres”.

“Transmission lines should also be set back from public roads, with the suggested setback distance of the transmission line towers measured as the tower height plus 20 metres,” the Commissioner’s report adds.

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in the 11 January 2022 edition
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