Pollies invited to commit a splash of cash

April 30, 2022 BY

Moorabool Mayor Tom Sullivan is advocating for the Bacchus Marsh Aquatic facility. Photo - MSC

With the federal election less than a month away, Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr Tom Sullivan has invited the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader to Moorabool, to discuss Federal funding.

High on Council’s agenda is obtaining funding for an indoor pool, a facility that has been desired and advocated for by the community for many years.

“Building an indoor pool in Bacchus Marsh is one of our highest advocacy priorities, and we’d love both sides of the federal government to commit funding for it,” Cr Sullivan said.

“We hope they will use their cap and goggles on a return visit to see what they’ve helped create and test it out with a swim,” he said.

In a Council survey, 56 per cent of respondents said they had to travel outside the Shire, to participate in swimming activities at indoor pools in other municipalities.

An indoor pool would form the third and final stage of the Moorabool Aquatic and Recreation Centre (MARC), with Stage One being an Indoor Sports Stadium, and Stage Two being a Regional Bowls Facility.

The facility recently began construction on Stage One at Taverner Street, Bacchus Marsh.

“Council has already made a huge investment of close to $15 million to build the indoor stadium component of MARC, a facility that will be used by residents throughout Moorabool and beyond,” Cr Sullivan said.

“We’re asking for both the federal and state governments to commit to providing funding for a project that we know will create massive economic benefit to the region.”

Council has also highlighted a number of other key priorities for funding in its letter to Mr Morrison and Mr Albanese, including a regional bowls facility, Stage 4 of the Bald Hill summit trail, female friendly change rooms for Dunnstown Recreation Reserve, and the sewering of Bungaree and Wallace.

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in the 26 April 2022 edition
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