Potential for town tourism

(L-R) Chamber President Michael Ryan with Katherine Mackenzie OAM and consultant Tina Seirlis. Photo - The Moorabool News
By Vanessa Parker
“Great things are achieved
by a series of small things
brought together”
– Vincent Van Gogh
The call was put out to ‘Meet the Chamber’, and they came in droves to do just that.
Over 100 local business representatives attended a Business Networking Dinner last week, held at St Anne’s Winery, Myrniong.
Run by the Ballan & District Chamber of Commerce, President Michael Ryan thanked all existing Chamber members who attended.
“It was a wonderful event and thanks must go to our members for their hard work encouraging potential new members to attend.”
Mr Ryan said two-thirds of attendees were non-members.
“I think you’ll agree this sets a great platform for us to grow our membership,” he said.
No event is complete without a special guest speaker and returning to Moorabool Shire was Kathryn Mackenzie OAM.
Ms Mackenzie has had a career dedicated to tourism over the past 25 years, and is a driving force in growing destinations, embracing the symbiotic relationships between tourism and community.
She shared insights on tourism and the potential for Ballan and surrounds, along with the power of digital, with long term vision and short-term strategies.
“Dare to dream,” she said.
“I have loved visiting Ballan. It is welcoming, has strip shopping with a wonderful range of eateries, gift shops and galleries.
“You are very well located, and this is paramount for visitors – close to Melbourne, Ballarat, Geelong, Daylesford, and Bacchus Marsh. You have parkland, the Werribee River, and a picturesque golf course.
“It is also very important to note that Ballan township has an Arboretum group that is investing in trees for the future.”
Building strategic partnerships and alliances was also on Ms Mackenzie’s agenda.
“Moorabool Shire Council has strong links and partnerships and, part of the short-term strategy would be to build an RV-friendly town that offers long term parking, free overnight camping and an RV dump point,” she said.
“Create special events for day trippers; encourage repeat visitation; build digital capacity across the region and, start thinking about positioning Ballan and district as a day trip destination as the Commonwealth Games will be held in Victoria in 2026.”
The Chamber has also launched their new Membership Prospectus and rebranded their logo.
The Dinner complemented the successful Business Networking Lunch, held in late April by the Chamber and, made possible by the Chamber itself, and the Victorian Government’s Business Chambers and Trader Groups Program.
Go to the Ballan & District Chamber of Commerce website to find out more – ballanchamberofcommerce.com.au.