Power over people

LANDSCAPE DEMOLITION - The Muirs, Lidgetts and Thompson families are fifth generation farmers in the Myrniong/Greendale area and have all received letters indicating their properties are earmarked for the High Voltage Transmission Line towers. Photo – Helen Tatchell
By Kate Taylor
The Moorabool News broke the story last July that the horizon was to be transformed (M/News 30 July 2019) and ‘tensions could run high’. It is now a reality, and rural communities that are the gateway to the Central Highlands, are devastated.
Multi-national Company AusNet Services and the Andrews State Government are planning to run high voltage transmission lines, above ground, through 70-kilometres of Moorabool, and Myrniong local Emma Muir, for one, is already fighting it.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link and scroll through to page number
in the 16 June 2020 edition
pick up a paper around your town.