Powerline win in NSW inspires Victorians

March 15, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

There is hope, after a decision by the New South Wales Energy Minister inspired powerline protesters here in Victoria, with a powerline corridor altered in NSW, due to public pressure.

A planned 180-kilometre corridor, through fertile farmlands from Merriwa to Wellington in eastern NSW, had affected farmers up in arms.

But after a year of fighting by the Merriwa-Cassilis Alliance (MCA), NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean changed the route to align with the existing Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone, using more land owned by mining companies to lessen impacts on agriculture.

The news from the Upper Hunter region was reposted on social media by Darley Power Fight, with the caption “Public pressure is what it takes. Keep up the fight.”

Head of Darley Power Fight Darren Edwards said he was encouraged by the triumph of people power in New South Wales.

“I think on a holistic view, if we look at the future of Victoria’s grid and its security…I think undergrounding is the optimal solution as far as we’re all concerned. But you can’t put all your eggs in one basket, you have to have other options,” he told the Moorabool News.

“Before undergrounding, the best practice was to utilise existing corridors wherever possible. AusNet will come back and say ‘that’s not possible because the corridor’s constrained’…but it’s achievable by upgrading those existing easements by HVDC because you can transport three times as much power with the same level of infrastructure.

“But that’s not something that’s being looked at at all in Victoria, and I think that’s because our transmission network is owned and operated by private enterprises, and those private enterprises want to increase their asset base,” Mr Edwards said.

The main difference between the Upper Hunter decision and the ongoing WVTNP debate, Mr Edwards said, was the level of State Government intervention.

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in the 15 March 2022 edition
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