Prepare to go all the WAY

Moorabool Mayor David Edwards prepares to participate in the Moorabool 4 Fun Run with his dog Tilly, after the official opening of Halletts and O’Leary Way on Sunday 13 August. Photo – Jessica Howard
By Jessica Howard
It’s been a long time coming, but the Halletts/O’Leary Way southern extension project is just days away from completion.
The major milestone is the largest infrastructure project ever delivered by Moorabool Shire Council, and will provide a western link road for Bacchus Marsh.
Significant weather delays, including flooding of the Werribee River, pushed back the completion date of the 1.4-kilometre extension, however the new road, modelled to carry 10,000-12,000 vehicles per day is well worth the wait.
The project also includes the construction of a dual lane bridge over the Werribee River, road widening and construction of a new roundabout and a shared path on the west side and pedestrian path on the east.
A pump station will be installed at Maddingley Weir with 40ML/day capacity to service the future of the Bacchus Marsh irrigation district, complementing the installation of significant stormwater drainage along the 2km in length alignment.
To celebrate the achievement, council will be hosting an official opening ceremony alongside the first ever Moorabool Run 4 Fun on Sunday August 13.
The event will include project presentations, kid’s activities and a fun run along sections of the new road.
Moorabool Shire Mayor, David Edwards will be among runners on the day.
“This road extension project is one of the biggest road projects we’ve undertaken in Moorabool and will be a fantastic asset for the community,” he said.
“I encourage residents to bring their friends, families or work colleagues and join in the fun at the official opening – either running, jogging or walking part of the new alignment before it is opened to traffic”.
Moorabool Run 4 Run is free, however residents who would like to participate in one of the three fun run courses are encouraged to register.
Registrations and further information about the event is available on Council’s website: