Prepared for fire season ahead
It is still mainly green and lush in many parts of the region, however, this has not stopped the preparedness for the summer fire season.
Forest Fire Management (FFMVic) has been busy preparing for the fire season ahead of the bushfire risk increasing over summer, and has recruited additional firefighters for the coming months, with 79 seasonal firefighters to work alongside 300 permanent FFMVic firefighters, incident management and support staff in the Grampians region.
The new recruits have been busy attending classroom, field and four-wheel drive training over the past few weeks to learn essential skills to protect communities and the environment from bushfires.
This year FFMVic has also been able to recruit an additional 22 Forest and Fire Operations Officers across the region, boosting day-to-day and emergency response field operations capability.
Grampians Deputy Chief Fire Officer Tony English said as significant rainfall over spring has led to extensive grass growth, they are preparing for a fire season with an increased risk of fast-running grass fires in the Grampians region.
“Our combination of experienced personnel, specialised firefighting vehicles and access to a range of aircraft means we’re equipped to have the best possible response to fires this summer.”
“This preparation builds on our year-round program to reduce bushfire risk through activities such as planned burning, slashing, mulching, as well as creating and maintaining fuel breaks,” he said.
The Grampians region fleet of firefighting vehicles has been serviced and the large range of fire tankers and earthmoving machinery are now set for the upcoming season.
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in the 14 December 2021 edition
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